Senior 3D LookDev and Lighting Artist

Metro: Exodus Cinematic Trailer - Surfacing

Role: Texturing, Shading

Recently I have a great opportunity to work on Metro: Exodus trailer's characters - Artyom and Newborn. 
Personally I've sculpted few wrinkles and details for both characters necessary for closeups, previously have gotten from modeling department. Artyom's head texture is based on Platige Images's scan, projected by Piotr Orlinski. I've made few additional details using personal smart materials related to skin. Cloth and props textures were also made at the Substance Painter from scratch. Substance Designer help me with creating few additional masks and simple filters (I've made small filter which allows me to create UV borders in Painter and then to change they to sews or additional detail). 
Hairs - Miroslaw Paczkowski 
Special thanks: Piotr Orlinski, Filip Adamiak, Karol Klonowski, Wojciech Idzi, Mateusz Sroka, Bartosz Skrzypiec. 
Enjoy and please remember to seek for full credits.